Six Days till Dawn
Six Days till Dawn - A mini survival game
You are trapped here! Survive 6 days to be rescued.
This is a game where you collect material and food,
craft and upgrade your tools, and fight off the monsters.
Please look through the instructions at the beginning!
For windows users: download the SixDaysTillDawn(exe) and run main.exe
For Mac and Linux users: download the SixDaysTillDawn(src), make sure you have pygame1.9.4 installed.
Then run
Please read the README.txt after download
You can press [H] to re-watch the tutorial, and [C] to check the controls anytime in-game.
- [A]/[D] to move around
- Hold [S] to collect
- Hold [W] to drink
- Hold [E] to eat
- [Q+num] to craft/upgrade the corresponding item
- [X]/[Left Click] while your cursor is on the monsters to attack
- [SPACE] to skip slides
You lose if your stamina falls to 0, and win if you have survived 6 days.
Walkthrough Video:
Ratings (show detail)
Overall: 3.5
Fun: 3.4
Production: 3.6
Innovation: 3.3
File | Uploader | Date |
— final
Executable version |
chrisyan2000 | 2019/03/30 20:50 |
— final
Source file |
chrisyan2000 | 2019/03/30 20:49 |
Title |
chrisyan2000 | 2019/03/30 06:46 |
final-gameplay |
chrisyan2000 | 2019/03/30 06:45 |
day7 |
chrisyan2000 | 2019/03/30 04:53 |
day6 |
chrisyan2000 | 2019/03/30 00:34 |
day4 |
chrisyan2000 | 2019/03/28 05:44 |
Day3 |
chrisyan2000 | 2019/03/27 00:01 |
Diary Entries
Day-1 Scrolling Background
Alright, so the goal of the game is to survive 6 days in the wilderness.
And today I finished 6 different biomes.. and they are scrolling backgrounds
Day-2 Scrolling Around
Day4 - A little survival game
Most of it's mechanics are finished.
Just gonna take tomorrow to finish the crafting, sun/moon rotations and weathers.
And the last day will be a whole day working on textures!
Day 6-texures, textures, textures
Working on textures.....
Day 7-final touches
Some final texture changes to the game...
Time to package!
The End-Finale
Finished working on the audios and textures!
Going to use the last day to package and write an introduction for this game!
Btw: I actually matched the beat of the background music and the player's walking frames.