Pyweek 5 Warmup WIP

Here is a little sorta E=MC^2, sorta not themed warmup game I'm currently working on.

If you get annoyed by the fact that it quits after you kill all the enemies, open up, and comment out Line 67.

Basically this is just a little mouse physics game, right click accelerates, left click shoots. You can't die yet, and the enemies die without any explosion or anything. My next step is to add points, explosions when things get hit, possible power-ups when you kill the drones and/or mother-ship, some level design, and a menu/high score. Then I'll call it good for a warmup game :)

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Okay, another update to my warmup game. Its not for the warm-up contest, its just good fun. Here's a real quick screen.
I had a play - was kinda like asteroids except they were shooting back :)
Yeah, I was going for a Maelstrom feel but faster like a Japanese shooter.

Maelstrom 3.0

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Whoops, here's a fix for python 2.4 users. I left some trailing () in the class declarations, and python 2.5 doesn't mind but python 2.4 quits out.
Whoops, here's a fix for python 2.4 users. I left some trailing () in the class declarations, and python 2.5 doesn't mind but python 2.4 quits out.