Writing a "color platformer"

Sorry for the lack of diary entries--boy it's been slow going this week!

We're writing a "color platformer".  The idea is, you can switch colors on and off in the world.  If a platform is red, and you turn off red, the platform disappears and you won't collide with it.

It's mostly preliminary art for now.  You're the snowman-looking dude, the glowing red thing is a switch, the mushroom-y things are checkpoints.  Collect the gems.

Here's the starting position:


If you move right and touch the red switch--

you turn off red!

Physics and collision has eaten an outsided portion of our time. But at this point I think the game feels great.

Celeste is our north star for good-feeling platform game.  Many times this week I've reviewed the "Why Does Celeste Feel So Good To Play?" video from Game Maker's Toolkit and Maddy Thorson's thread on Twitter about Celeste's physics concessions that make the game more fun to play so I can accurately steal their lovely ideas. This is my first time implementing "coyote time" and what I'm calling "wall scraping", and I'm looking forward to "jump buffering" next.  I don't think we're gonna do an "air dash" though.