First demo

Century of the fruitbat is proud to announce the moment you have all been waiting for - the very first super special early release trial of our wonderous crowning acheivement "Up Up and Away," starring the stickmen performance troupe and paid for by your favorite restaurant in the multiverse: "Harga's House of Ribs". You know you want some.

The link for this amazing masterpiece is located below, but as this is a special early preview version, we ask that you keep it secret - we don't want to build up hype too much yet.

secret link, don't click unless you belong to the fruitbat secret society

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Watch as your survivors run out of oxygen and die!"
I think I won.
Does that mean I lost then? I killed them all off and had oxygen to spare.
Technically you both lost as there is no way to win :) How to play doesn't mean how to win hehe.