End of pyweek
Well, I think there's no question that this went poorly. At least there's something submitted.I thought the main mechanic was simple enough that I should be able to implement it in about half a day took almost the entire time.
I'm not exactly sure what went wrong either. Maybe my library just isn't ready yet, there were still bugs found during pyweek after all. All the evals make the stack less meaningful and make debuggers and profilers less useful.
Having to setup the game for easy reload instead of a restart was also a bit of a pain. Maybe more time is spent than saved doing. It does get easier as more of the game and this process is complete though. I always thought this would be the best part. Oh well.
I think last pyweek went much better even though I didn't submit anything in the end.
Time to play all the other entries now.
Edit: Please feel free to reply here with comments, report bugs and anything else. Should have said this earlier.
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