White or not?
As a last minute addition I put a background image under the game area. Can you see it in the screenshot?
On Alex's machine he says it appears completely white. So white that GIMP says every pixel is white. It was great fun convincing him otherwise...
There's nothing else new on the screenshot compared to Wednesday. It's such a shame, but a lot of time went toward making things work, adding sounds, cutscenes, a level progression, scoring, a tutorial, etc. I can't make a screenshot of those.
It quite a complete game actually. We may re-record the narration tomorrow, because I mumble terribly. I can't understand a word of what I'm saying. And fix any bugs we find! (Something's wrong with the icon on Windows I think.)
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I'm afraid I'm getting a pyglet error too, on Ubuntu. It crashes when I go to pick up the first block. Looks like it's having trouble with sound:
I'm pretty sure I've seen this before, but I'm afraid I don't remember how to fix it. :/
Thanks for the error reports. The one with the sound is very annoying because Alexander had issues with loading sound files so the code is full of exception handling for that. But apparently on some Ubuntu setups the loading does not raise an exception but the playing does...
I love Pyglet, but perhaps it's safer if I go back to PyGame for the next PyWeek. (I could try to fix these Pyglet issues, but I'm so clueless about the low-level media code...)