White or not?

As a last minute addition I put a background image under the game area. Can you see it in the screenshot?

On Alex's machine he says it appears completely white. So white that GIMP says every pixel is white. It was great fun convincing him otherwise...

There's nothing else new on the screenshot compared to Wednesday. It's such a shame, but a lot of time went toward making things work, adding sounds, cutscenes, a level progression, scoring, a tutorial, etc. I can't make a screenshot of those.

It quite a complete game actually. We may re-record the narration tomorrow, because I mumble terribly. I can't understand a word of what I'm saying. And fix any bugs we find! (Something's wrong with the icon on Windows I think.)

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I wouldn't have noticed the background if you hadn't mentioned it, but now I see it. The art style looks cool! I particularly like those dead ghost/bug things. I'm curious to see the gameplay.
The ghosts are bad sectors! Be careful with them!
Which version of python you use? i usu 2.7 on wondow and have this error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\N3ATLI\Documents\python\pyweek\20\fragmented-space-1.2\run_game.py", line 1131, in game.run() File "C:\Users\N3ATLI\Documents\python\pyweek\20\fragmented-space-1.2\run_game.py", line 968, in run window.set_icon(pyglet.resource.image('images/icon256.png')) File "C:\Users\N3ATLI\Documents\python\pyweek\20\fragmented-space-1.2\pyglet\window\win32\__init__.py", line 558, in set_icon icon = get_icon(image) File "C:\Users\N3ATLI\Documents\python\pyweek\20\fragmented-space-1.2\pyglet\window\win32\__init__.py", line 539, in get_icon data = image.get_data(format, pitch) AttributeError: 'Texture' object has no attribute 'get_data'
What's worng?
I use Python 2.7.6. But it's more likely a Pyglet issue than a Python issue. Alex's brother tried the game on Windows and mentioned something like that. May be that the 256x256 PNG is not a valid icon format? But the fix is simple: just remove that line in run_game.py ("window.set_icon(pyglet.resource.image('images/icon256.png'))"). Thanks, sorry for the trouble. If someone knows what I'm doing wrong with the icon, please let me know.
The game can't load 'images/story/1.jpeg' running on Python 2.7 and ubuntu. The traceback is huge, mostly getting to the end of the loading process: Traceback (most recent call last): File "run_game.py", line 1132, in game.run() File "run_game.py", line 997, in run pyglet.app.run() File "/home/john/Python/games/PyWeek_Tests/20/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/app/__init__.py", line 143, in run event_loop.run() File "/home/john/Python/games/PyWeek_Tests/20/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/app/base.py", line 136, in run self._run_estimated() File "/home/john/Python/games/PyWeek_Tests/20/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/app/base.py", line 165, in _run_estimated timeout = self.idle() File "/home/john/Python/games/PyWeek_Tests/20/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/app/base.py", line 274, in idle redraw_all = self.clock.call_scheduled_functions(dt) File "/home/john/Python/games/PyWeek_Tests/20/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/clock.py", line 309, in call_scheduled_functions item.func(ts - item.last_ts, *item.args, **item.kwargs) File "run_game.py", line 994, in update o.think(dt) File "run_game.py", line 871, in think game.add(Cutscene(game.level)) File "run_game.py", line 668, in __init__ self.image = sprite('story/{}.jpg'.format(level)) File "run_game.py", line 37, in sprite image = pyglet.resource.image('images/' + f) File "/home/john/Python/games/PyWeek_Tests/20/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/resource.py", line 529, in image atlas=atlas) File "/home/john/Python/games/PyWeek_Tests/20/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/resource.py", line 470, in _alloc_image return img.get_texture(True) File "/home/john/Python/games/PyWeek_Tests/20/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/image/__init__.py", line 818, in get_texture force_rectangle) File "/home/john/Python/games/PyWeek_Tests/20/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/image/__init__.py", line 803, in create_texture rectangle, force_rectangle) File "/home/john/Python/games/PyWeek_Tests/20/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/image/__init__.py", line 1514, in create blank) File "/home/john/Python/games/PyWeek_Tests/20/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/gl/lib.py", line 104, in errcheck raise GLException(msg) pyglet.gl.lib.GLException: invalid value Any ideas what the problem is?
JFrog: I haven't seen that one. Does the menu load? The other images are in PNG, so maybe the JPEG is decoded into some format that OpenGL fails to accept. If you feel like it, you could try replacing 1.jpg with a PNG version of the same and changing the code to load 1.png. Otherwise perhaps you could update your OpenGL driver. Maybe the "invalid value" Pyglet gives it is valid in a later version. Sorry for the bug :(.

I'm afraid I'm getting a pyglet error too, on Ubuntu. It crashes when I go to pick up the first block. Looks like it's having trouble with sound:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "run_game.py", line 1131, in 
  File "run_game.py", line 996, in run
  File "/home/christopher/Downloads/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/app/__init__.py", line 143, in run
  File "/home/christopher/Downloads/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/app/base.py", line 136, in run
  File "/home/christopher/Downloads/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/app/base.py", line 165, in _run_estimated
    timeout = self.idle()
  File "/home/christopher/Downloads/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/app/base.py", line 274, in idle
    redraw_all = self.clock.call_scheduled_functions(dt)
  File "/home/christopher/Downloads/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/clock.py", line 309, in call_scheduled_functions
    item.func(ts - item.last_ts, *item.args, **item.kwargs)
  File "run_game.py", line 993, in update
  File "run_game.py", line 117, in think
    self.lift(0, 1)
  File "run_game.py", line 223, in lift
  File "run_game.py", line 921, in playsound
    return self.sounds[sound].play()
  File "/home/christopher/Downloads/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/media/__init__.py", line 472, in play
  File "/home/christopher/Downloads/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/media/__init__.py", line 978, in queue
  File "/home/christopher/Downloads/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/media/__init__.py", line 695, in queue
    source = source._get_queue_source()
  File "/home/christopher/Downloads/fragmented-space-1.2/pyglet/media/__init__.py", line 622, in _get_queue_source
    return StaticMemorySource(self._data, self.audio_format)
AttributeError: 'StaticSource' object has no attribute '_data'

I'm pretty sure I've seen this before, but I'm afraid I don't remember how to fix it. :/

cyhawk: Yes, the menu loads, the problem is files in the story folder. Changing to png didn't work, and neither did moving them out of the story folder. I'm using the version of pyglet included in your submission, so I doubt upgrading would help, if it worked for you. Sorry, but I am going to mark this as didn't work.
I managed to fix it by skipping the cutscene: setting level to 9 after assigning self.level and setting self.ttl to 0 immediately afterwards. Apparently that works!

Thanks for the error reports. The one with the sound is very annoying because Alexander had issues with loading sound files so the code is full of exception handling for that. But apparently on some Ubuntu setups the loading does not raise an exception but the playing does...

I love Pyglet, but perhaps it's safer if I go back to PyGame for the next PyWeek. (I could try to fix these Pyglet issues, but I'm so clueless about the low-level media code...)