Problems with the new website layout

I've just taken a look at the PyWeek site after being away from it for a while, and I'm disappointed by some of its features.

Is there any chance of these things being remedied?

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Yes. In particular I was aware that the links don't change colour. That seems to be the Bootstrap default behaviour, neglecting that it has always been considered bad practice to break visited link colours.

The font size is also Bootstrap default, I think. It's much harder to diagnose that. Certainly there's no such thing as an absolute font size any more; everything is relative to some concept of device dpis etc. But if it's specifically smaller than some other website you do find comfortable I could investigate and compare.

Certainly there's no such thing as an absolute font size any more; everything is relative to some concept of device dpis etc.

I'm talking about things like this, from

body {
    margin-top: 20px;
    padding: 0px;
    font: 13px sans-serif;
    color: #212121;
    background: white;

This is setting the text to a size of 13 pixels. Whether this is based on the device dpi or whatever is beside the point. The important thing is that you are completely overriding the size that people have set in their browsers. There is no reason to do that.