Day 3 - I Will Not Put My Internals On Show

I had a church meeting tonight so I knew that my time would be limited so it does feel like I have slowed a little. A few more graphics added and some important internals for combat and characters worked out. Not much to see there yet. The main visual component are the portals. There will be a home village for the player where they leave for each cave - Mystery Dungeon style. Really want to add NPCs and a bit of freedom here. This has been added as an empty room (pictured!) save for a stripey portal which may be animated. This takes you to the cave and finding the diamond returns you to the village.
I have been pondering having 'mental health' for the player. I fear it may trivialise serious issues. Thinking it may be best covered in spirit and stress. I'd like the player to recover and develop outside of dungeon delving!