Some progress

I've spent more time working on the pyweek website itself and going to Python user groups than working on the game. Shh don't tell my team-mate :-)

I've managed to find someone to help out with fixing website bugs - he's just migrated the message feedback stuff to the New Improved Django 1.4 (or whatever version it was introduced) style of doing things. I've not released it to the live system yet. I hope to have the rating system fixed up before judging starts :-)

I have managed to work some more bits of Kivy out. Three screens of the game are now kinda implemented. One pull request and one offer of additional help submitted to the Kivy project :-)

It's pretty good progress. There may be something playable by Sunday...

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Well done on getting the site working and working on a game at the same time!

I was interested to try Kivy, but I felt it might be biting off more than I can chew. Probably a bad reason not to go for it, but learning not to bite off more than one can chew in a week is also a laudable aim.

Another problem: Images on the entries list page aren't working.