ToDo List
Result of brainstorming session. Obviously only a few of these will get done in the time remaining...* Safety rails on the fire escapes
* Doors in side walls
* Stairways
* Make the lab colour scheme suck less
* Mixed colour beams, use shield combo to get past them
* Multi-level lifts
* Guards that chase you when alarm sounds, use white shield to evade them
* Make objects sit on the benches instead of the floor
* Objects hidden in cupboards, safes, computer files; keys, combinations, passwords to find
* Upload terminals to cash in on the info you've found
* Levels larger than a screen
* Reveal parts of level as explored instead of all at once
* Saving of games
* A way for the game to finish when you've found all the info
- Reception/office area?
- Split lab into electronic/chemistry areas?
* More furniture and props:
- Lab equipment - chemistry, electronic
- Computers
- Office desks, shelves, books
- Bathroom fittings
Aargh! From too few ideas to far too many, in just a few days... can we make it a 2 week competition next time? :-)
Right, enough time frittered, back to coding...