Plans and tools for Pyweek
This is the first time I've been on a team, and the first time kid_imagine has competed in Pyweek.We will probably only be able to touch base with each other once during the week, so I'm hoping FaceTime is up to the challenge!
The ideal distribution of work would be as follows:
hidas: code, music
kid_imagine: art, music
( music would be on a per-section basis, with each team member composing the music for his favorite level/area/time slot )
I suspect however it will end up more like the list below:
hidas: desperately tries to code while promising himself he'll still have time to compose music.
kid_imagine: happily draws and records music all week.
Another problem is Py2exe; I haven't been able to build ONE .exe with it. We may end up doing a pure Pygame project for the third pyweek in a row. You see, having to compile Chipmunk for Windows just to install Pymunk just to play one game is bound to be quite frustrating. If we used Py2exe it would be easy to bundle a precompiled chipmunk lib.
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The project is here:
You can see in the line 45, I reference the compiled chipmunk.dll, which is also checked into my project.
I notice that I omit to include the Visual Studio C runtime DLL, as is nowadays described in the py2exe tutorial:
so presumably 'Solescion's Windows exe doesn't work on machine which don't have this pre-installed (e.g. from installing the correct version of Python.)
If you still have problems, you might consider posting a careful description of them to the py2exe mailing list, and cross-posting a link to that thread here - I'm sure some others would be interested.
Thanks for the links; your is a lot different than the ones I'm writing, which would explain why mine don't work. :D
Maybe we should put together a poll of some sort and see what kind of libraries and operating systems people have... I know they did that for Pyweek 11 or 12 or something.
It has a bug about a missing library or something, and here is a copy&paste of the solution:
The solution is to add import pygame._view to the top of your main source file. Any of the packagers should work after that. I encountered this problem using cx_Freeze, py2exe, and pyInstaller. This is a serious bug affecting many of the exe packagers when attempting to package pygame programs.