Mutagenesis - Day 8
Found a planty-looking font for the title screen, changed the background to dark green, and stomped a few last-minute bugs. Looking pretty good. Final final release made. I can stop drinking inadvisably large amounts of coffee now.(log in to comment)
The result of all this is that you can't really expect to control plant height by selective breeding, because any crossing or mutation has the potential to switch between a finitely-growing and infinitely-growing L-system.
I'll try to post another message soon with more details.
I don't have to have a goal. I can just sort of explore and stuff. But still it's kind of fun to challenge myself somehow. :)
It's hard to be sure, because I haven't had a chance to play with it much yet. But theoretically, if you have e.g. one plant with a particular kind of leaf, and other with a particular kind of flower, there's some chance that their offspring will have the leaves from one and the flowers from another. Some of the time. Maybe. But it's also possible -- probablt even more likely -- that some other weird thing will happen.
It'll probably be less frustrating not to aim too much for any particular goal, but just play around and see what comes out.
Can you explain at all what's going on in the back end so I can figure out what I'm doing?