My (extremely tentative) game Ideas
This being my first time, I'm going to be very open about my game, as it helps guide my creative process. Therefore, as it seems to be a growing trend, I will post my ideas for each theme.Mr. Fixit: I have two possible ideas here, the second will probably be chosen due to ease of content.
a) A logic puzzle game where you use tanagram and net puzzles to fix furniture, wiring, plumbing, flooring etc... a topdown movement system links various jobs, or a simple static menu is provided, not sure which, may not use this idea.
b) A puzzle/platformer where you "fix" moving platforms in place to move to the next room, don't get squished! possible options include upgrades like a jetpack and portal gun (it's too good to pass up!)
Mutate!: like many others, make a sidescroller where you mutate your form to finish the level, unlock new forms by progressing through the story, and finding easter eggs for more fun forms (think classic gaming characters)
Mysterious Stranger: An RPG where you search for the mysterious stranger that brought you to that land
More Criticals: This is unique so far: make a net like game but you have to route coolant to all of the nuclear reactors to keep them from going critical, failure animation would be fun.
Negotiator: My least favorite, solve problems between groups by being the go-between and negotiating. Not my favorite because of how difficult it is to make negotiating with a computer rewarding.
And BTW, net is a game where you rotate tiles to connect all of the nodes to the source, but the tiles are straight, curved, or t-shaped. I'd have to figure out how to generate levels, with difficulty as well (might be on wikipedia... will check it out soon)
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As a former physicist I feel compelled to point out that you want your nuclear reactors to be critical. It's supercritical reactors that are dangerous. ;)