Blogs/fora etc

Where do people hang out in the down season between Pyweeks? Are there any cool Python game dev blogs to check out?

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Here's one place:
Not specifically Python related, but lots of people in the community are Pythoners.
Between PyWeeks I'm mainly following various Python-related mailing lists, including python-dev and python-ideas, and the comp.lang.python newsgroup.

I don't know of any other Python-centric game development communities -- I'd be interested to find one!
I know of Pyed Pypers but that doesn't seem to be active or at my kind of level. Pyweek is, but it's only active around Pyweeks.     
A bit different but good for us Australian highschoolers is the NCSS programming challenges or progcomp that are held yearly and are generally both python competitions
I always love the look of the Experimental Gameplay Project - they have great themes. but I've never gotten my act together enough to participate. I think submitting games to a non-Python based competition would be good for me. It would help me to overcome a few blind spots that we as Python programmers tend to overlook. (e.g. distribution)
Hugo - could you please email me (address in the site footer)? I'd like to chat about PyCon AU opportunities :-)