$5000 to design a free software Python game

Hey gals and guys

I'm looking for college students interested in Python game development who would like to get paid by Google to work with us on our 3d game engine for Python.

We have a number of tasks for the engine itself, as we have for the last 5 years we've participated in this program under the Python Software Foundation, and this year we're also soliciting proposals to design new games using our engine to help test it and demonstrate some of the engine's features.  Given the talent we've seen in previous PyWeek competitions I can only imagine what one of you could accomplish given 3 months and some funding from Google so you could focus on the task.

Student applications for the program opened today and must be submitted by April 8th, so if you're interested talk to us about your application now and get it submitted to Google's website before PyWeek starts.

We're in #PySoy on Freenode or you can browse our ideas page for more information.

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Why should I use PySoy? What is a "cloud game"? Where is the documentation?
 Hello, This is bit Misleading. I don't  think GSoC encourages ground up, complete one person something  project.
Hey people, lets give @arc a nice pyweek welcome, huh?

Wow. That's pretty incredible. Not for the first time I'm wishing I was eligible to apply for GSoC projects. :-) Someone's gonna have a blast and join a team creating something great. Thanks for the heads-up @arc.

@mauve: I couldn't find the docs either though, not on the pysoy website, nor in either of the Hg repos.

@phoe6 Hey, why do you think it's misleading? He's just saying they're accepting GSoC applications to work on PySoy, including example games to prove the new API. Apparently they have participated in GSoC for the last 5 years, so they probably have a good feel for what will and will not pan out.

One thing worth noting from the FAQ: PySoy is not recommended for 2D games.

Welcome to Pyweek! Will you participate in the next challenge to show off some of PySoy's abilities and nifty features? ;)

@tartley - I thought it was misleading because, it was advertised/attracted based on $$s. If the title had started with G-SoC and *inviting* participants it should be fine. 
@mauve you should not use PySoy.  Not yet.  If you want to help as a developer that'd be great.  Its called a cloud game engine because the game code (written in Python) is intended to run on a server with thick clients (browser plugin, Android app, etc) playing the game without having to download it.

@phoe6 The game ideas are examples of the engine that will be distributed with it, more importantly to find gaps in our current features that the student (with help) can fix.  I'm also the GSoC org admin for the Python Software Foundation, and no, we don't approve proposals for standalone projects.

@ServalKatze We had a team compete in 2006, and yes, eventually.  Not this go-around, the timing has to hit where we have a usable release at least a month before PyWeek and when we're not working with a deluge of student applicants helping them get started.

The engine has a few more weeks of work left before it'll be ready for the next release, but the improved speed and API changes from the last two years will be well worth the wait.