More Communication: IRC and Twitter

This is just a reminder and for new people who might not know. In addition to the message board and diaries on the website you can chat with fellow PyWeekers on IRC (Freenode/#PyWeek). There's also the #PyWeek tag on Twitter which new threads on the message board get posted to automatically. As in previous such threads people who feel like it should feel free to post their Twitter usernames. :-)

I'm @membury on Twitter and Membury on Freenode.

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I'm @lordmauve on Twitter and mauve on IRC.
I'm @andy_kelley on Twitter and superjoe on IRC.
@r1chardj0n3s on Twitter, but I rarely find the time to pop into IRC I'm afraid.
@xpNox on Twitter, although I'm not nearly as prolific as mauve or richard.
Cosmologicon on IRC, natch
I'm @notSorella on Twitter, and Sorella on IRC.

(no, I don't suffer from existential conflicts :3)
i'm nitrofurano on both and twitter - on irc as well (hopefully)
and my Diaspora is at
@killdream just a correction at - Richard Stallman never was open-source enthusiast - he is enthusiast of software-libre instead -
Hehe, my bad english is getting me in weird situations again. But well, it's just that I'm actually more than the usual open source enthusiast, but not nearly as radical as all free software activists. I do agree with most of Stallman's views and try to follow them to a certain extent, I'm not nearly as radical (ie.: I'll use proprietary software if I must, but I try to avoid them).

(Guess I should fix that wording .-.)