What a wild ride...
So this is my first entry ever where the total size is under 500kb and only 20kb of that is data!!!Bad news:
BUGS! Up until the last 2 hours we didn't seem to have any, then it all fell apart :(
Basically, we are limited to using our big fancy network engine to just play single player! Which sucks so badly it isn't even funny :(
No sound, and little gfx, not even any animations...
So, from a pyweek perspective - this game is total fail.
Good news:
From the perspective that I completed all of my goals going into it. It sorta almost works, and can be continued later - I am very happy.
We have a multiplayer, mod engine, etc.
Everything is easy to add, once you get around the bugs.
So, everyone, play the game, use the server to chat then play singleplayer, beat the AI, adn post in how many turns you do it.
If you wish to mod it (which is possible, just check /data/scenarios for the main game scenario to use as a template) post it here too.
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File "run_client.py", line 1, in
from lib import client_states
File "C:\Users\Richard\Downloads\Pyweek\Pyweek-GalaxyMagers\lib\__init__.py", line 1, in
import event, gui, GIFImage, net, SLS, SLG
File "C:\Users\Richard\Downloads\Pyweek\Pyweek-GalaxyMagers\lib\net.py", line 1, in
from twisted.spread import pb
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python26\lib\site-packages\twisted\spread\pb.py", line 34, in
from zope.interface import implements, Interface
ImportError: No module named zope.interface
Do you know which version of zope I should install?
pick the one you need... :)
I'm excited that it's gotten GalaxyMage out of the mothballs and back into active development again.