Unable to get inspired

I've been trying to figure out some game mechanic which would be good to explore for this pyweek
but have not been able to get inspired any sources?    

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Are you planning to have a different mechanic depending on the theme? If so, which theme(s) do you not have figured out yet?
.. actually im' thinking about making a game where the story incorporates all the elements.. 
right now im' planning on a small sandbox type experience. But im' worried..  that it might not be very innovative..     
Oh yeah, well, it's a matter of taste, but I'm usually much more impressed when the mechanic incorporates the theme. Not as much when the story incorporates the theme. And even less when the story incorporates all the themes. I liked your Pyweek 9 entry a lot, even if you did take part of the mechanic from another game.

But maybe that's just me!
It's usually better to try to get the theme into the mechanics rather than the story. That said, you *can* just use it in your story/setting.

Incorporating all of the themes isn't a popular idea, though. Not against the rules, but it won't help your scores.