What's important...
Yesterday I sat down to think about what's important in life. The result unfortunately is that I have realized that I cannot enter this Pyweek, or any successive Pyweeks or Pyggys...Without a mascot that is! So I quickly made one using an ancient metallic tool known only by name from what is believed to be an ancient Roman script on the package as "paperfasteners" they seem to be made out of brass, and the package claims, with BIG letters that it is "Made in Sweden". It also informs me that they are of "TOP QUALITY", which is very reassuring.
So, I took a picture of my new mascot posing in front of the back of a page of sheet music (haha in front of the back of, that's funny). Forget all I said in the previous paragraph, he is not man-made; he comes from outer space, which is proven by the alien script, known to no man, which is featured on his picture (actually it's Melin's stenography, but I seriously doubt any of you know both Melin's stenography and Swedish so it will have to do). One last detail, his name is "Pappman", which literally translates to "Cardboard man".
I can't upload his picture now though, since we aren't allowed to upload screenshots yet (I have a certain lack of other places to upload to).
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I'm eager to see the picture, because maybe it will give me a clue as to what your post is about. :)