How are the Entries Sorted?

I noticed earlier that my entry (And bit of poetry) were bumped up to the top of the list, probably when I won the "No Platformers Allowed" award.

I'm kinda curious: Is the entry list sorted by number of awards now? Or is there something else happening?

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Not likely, I think Richard said something about it beeing based on the popoularities of the different entries or something like making sure all entries get to appear first, so that all games are exposed equally much to the "general" public.
Which list? The comp page will have the entries listed randomly (I think) but the list of all games should be in ranking order.
The "Entries" page under the "Next Challenge" menu on the top bar.

This page:

Mine seems to be at the top, but I don't know if it's that way for others if it's supposed the be random.
You're not at top for me. NaN is when I'm logged in, and Tee is when I'm logged out.
username is used as part of the random order seeding so everyone's list is a different order :-)