A little retrospecting
First of all I'd like to thank all of the people that took the time to try our game and provide feedback. It looks like the main issue for people who couldn't run it was a segfault; I think this is probably audio related so an easy way to disable sound may have helped here.As for gameplay, it looks like quite a few people discovered that you could just turn your amplitude down and your frequency up and cruise through the levels that way. This was known but we didn't leave time at the end to tweak things so this wasn't possible. Anyway I don't think it really ruins the fun if you play as intended and just try not to run into stuff.
More specific responses follow:
I like the oscilloscope mechanic, but it's not as satifying as just blasting things. It would be nice if there were sections of standard shooter so as to mix it up a bit
Yea, we actually had hoped to put some missiles in (the art assets are there), but ran out of time. I'm thinking of adding some sort of boss at the end - probably the ship will auto fire so the objective will still be just to dodge whatever he shoots at you (plus terrain)
Excellent concept and great graphics. Feels like a very complete game. The idea is very original. I like how you have to put yourself in danger to recover shield, though personally I'd have it "high frequency and high amplitude", since high frequency and low amplitude is still kind of safe. HUD needs polishing as you yourself said, but thanks for the "next level" counter. Although there's not much to expand and the game is already very polished (aside from the HUD), if there were an expanded version of the game, I would definitely like to play it. Excellent work. :)
Yea, i think we might be able to use something like regen rate proportianal to frequency + amplitude; I'll definately try that out and see how it feels. The next level counter was essential for letting the player know how much longer they had to stay alive, but if the boss mechanic I mentioned above works out it might go away.
Is there any way to kill things besides colliding with them? The winning strategy seems to be to just keep oscillating at maximum frequency and amplitude and ram everything.
Yes, unfortunately that works, but it won't in the future :) Destructible terrain would be extra cool, but I'm not sure how easy it'd be to pull off.
The idea, to control the sinus curved flightpath to avoid obstacles is great and fun to play. Also i like the graphics style of the levels. Besides that it's a game that can be played for 10 minutes (lack of long term challenge) and for me the style of the levels and the main menu style are not matching 100%. The main menu appears less colorful than the great colored levels. But this is only minor point. Overall it's a really great game. Congratulations!!
I think the long term challenge can be addressed somewhat by tuning the levels to have a nice difficulty progression; sadly we didn't get to do much of this before submitting (isn't that always the case though?).
Thanks for the feedback on the menu vs in game style, that's a good point. It might be true for the music too (I was really happy how well the music matched the graphical theme of each level though).
not that easy as it looks like :)
Really hard, but not bad.
Indeed (unless you discover the trick w/ the frequency of course).
One of the best games in the competition. Well balanced gameplay, though it did feel a bit shallow after a while. Music was excellent.
Thanks! I think there are things we can do to help the depth.
runs too slow on my machine to be playable.
Sorry about that; we didn't find time to optimize :(
Quite interesting! I like the idea of the movement... in critical moments (when the wall is near and the enemy too) my fingers become crazy and I crash with everything in the worst way :-)
I know how that goes :) - I found it a little easier w/ a game pad, but not a ton.
Fantastic game, a real pleasure to play. The descriptions were funny and well written. I only wish that the shield regen wasn't linked to the speed or rate of oscillation! I found that I was able to complete all levels with no effort at all by having the oscillations period extremely short. The backgrounds were amazing, surely your artist has an eye for detail .
yea, our artist was quite prolific. And I was amused enough by his storyboard descriptions that I decided I had to put them in rather than make the HUD integrate at the end. Actually he even had recordings of him reading those to go with them, but we didn't get to put them in.
sorry, couldnt make it work. had to disable the joystick and still had problems: File "gamelib/main.py", line 125, in update self.handler.update(dt) File "gamelib/levels.py", line 504, in update actor.Tick(dt) File "gamelib/player.py", line 71, in Tick contents = ships[0].getHudContents() File "gamelib/player.py", line 113, in getHudContents return ["Shields:{0}".format(int(self.shield)), AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'format'
Hmm, this one I don't know about; I would be curious what version of python you have.
Sorry, I cannot run you game in my linux ubuntu 9.10 machine. Segmentation fault. I don't know why.
I think it's probably audio related. I'm running Ubunto 9.10 as well, and saw the occasional crash, but usually it worked.
t takes a while to get used to the ship's controls, but this is damn fun. Needs balancing.
I agree, balancing would help a lot.
Very innovative, great graphics and sounds. Unfortunately I'm too stupid to win a level.
I doubt it's a stupidity thing. We need a more introductory level of difficulty at the beginning.
original idea, lotsa handmade artwork i like
Lots and lots - more than we could get in :)
The backgrounds are awesome, the music is energetic and the control is interesting. Sound effects are missing and there is not much to do unfortunately. I won the game by simply going to maximum frequency and minimum amplitude. If only you could shoot and collect bonuses it might be much more fun. Perhaps you could have done without any moving objects, since those are practically impossible to calculate into my avoidance. Or maybe only introduce them on the second level.
Yea, sound effects are among the assets that we didn't get to work in (yet). Definately there should be fewer enemy ships on the first level, to lower the difficulty, but they can be avoided with practice. I think I managed to play through all four without hitting more than one or two things.
Seg faults when trying to run. There is no information give. Tried the suggestion for changing the joystick.py with no effect. Really wanted to play this just to see why it needed NumPy! :(
Erm, NumPy was just so I could be extra lazy and use arange() to get an array of floats for drawing the path :p. It already exists on my Ubuntu python install - my teammates all subsequently complained because it was an extra thing to install on their windows boxes. Probably I should have just written a few more lines of code and avoided the dependency.
Brilliant game mechanic that I've never seen done before. It was hard but satisfyingly so, rather than irritating.
Yea, we spent quite a while brainstorming after the theme came out and i was really happy with the mechanic that came out of that. We even had something up and running after the first day so we could try it out, which was awsome!
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I just spotted a similar game on Steam:
Wow interesting. Same developers? Or are people using pyweek games as inspiration for commercial games? It's a pretty obscure idea, I'd be surprised if it was come up with independently.
It is getting good reviews too!
Oops, instead of adding a link I posted the comment. Let me try again: It is getting good reviews too!
Part of the problem for me is that it wasn't obvious how you were intended to play. In the absence of any clear statement of the mission goal, I naturally assumed that I was supposed to be destroying the enemies, but it seems I was mistaken.
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'format'
That's what happens if you try to run it with a Python older than 2.6.