Web site annoyances

Is there any chance we could not have menus popping up of their own accord when the mouse passes over them? I'm finding this behaviour very annoying.

Also, is it really necessary to have a fixed-width layout?

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I'm not sure how else the menus could work without requiring a mouse click, and there's just too much navigation guff to show now without hiding most of it.

The fixed-width layout is currently required so the site layout isn't atrocious like it used to be. It may be that it could be made variable, but I've not got time at the moment to investigate.
You can mess with stylesheets easily by installing firefox addon: stylish.
I'm not sure how else the menus could work without requiring a mouse click

A mouse click is what I want. What would be so terrible about that? It's the way menus work in most other pieces of software.
The problem I'm having with the menus is that they are too flighty. If you check out my menu system at, to pick a random example, http://www.cyprop.org/ which I wrote a few years ago (I could probably do it in less and cleaner Javascript now), that should seem a lot easier to use because there's a grace period after mouseout before the menu closes.