Thoughts -- Maybe a tank game?

I've done some thinking.

My first thought is thus: While only one other entry is likely to be a first-person shooter (RB[0]'s team), I still want to be unique.

I think I can readily accomplish this by making a tank game instead of a standard FPS.

I can fit it into "Flagging" fairly readily, my original idea works just fine.

"Reception"... Radar jamming as a central mechanic somehow? Re-establish communications to allow an air-strike to commence? Something along those lines.

"Feather" would require me to re-think this. I'd probably make the first-person Joust idea.

"Scissors": Scissor tank, yo! Not sure how to make it a game, though...

"What Big Eyes You Have" is a tricky one. A stealth tank game, perhaps? Not sure how that'd work...

I'd probably use the mouse to control the turret. WASD or arrow keys would steer the tank. (IE: A/Left and D/Right would turn, W/Up and S/Down would make it go forward or backward, respectively)

I'd probably do collisions based on bounding boxes, which would mean that my tanks would be a bit on the super-deformed side. I like that anyway, though.

Bounding rectangle along the ground, that is. Unless I decide to have multi-level maps. Even then I'd probably fake it.

Well, that said, the meshes would probably be fairly simple, but they'd have fairly nice textures to make up for it. (Nothing award-winning, but pretty good, I think)

I like this idea. It's (somewhat) unique. The only other (Extant) first-person tank game I can think of is BZFlag, and that doesn't have tanks with turrets.

I think it'd probably be pretty fun if I did it right. I mean, what's better than blowing crap up with a tank?

I'm curious what others think about this. Could a tank game do well in PyWeek?

I like this idea. :-)


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Well, TBH, this is probably a far more doable idea for one person than the FPS.
For feather - there are a few things you could do for a tank game, ground is a pile of feathers, tanks are light as a feather (so unique mechanics for them, they fly back when firing), feather weapons (arrows even ;) ), etc. :)
I like that, yeah. Probably more interesting than the Joust idea.
(Even though it indulged my love of 80's arcade games... :-<)

And you're right. The FPS would be more for a team or a longer time-frame. This is much more practical.

I'm liking it more and more as I think about it. :-)
"tanks are light as a feather"

I can't help but imagine a tank rocket jumping... Tanks with gliders? Airborne tank battles? Air-land "amphibious" tanks? I'd definitely play that.