Advice and inspirational material

There's been a huge explosion recently in the quantity of material out there on the interwebs about how to make games quickly. Rapid prototyping seems to be the new "in" thing. Of course, we were doing it before it was cool.

Here are some of my favourite links on the subject. I invite you all to post other material that you think is interesting and relevant.

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very mainly useful links, i'm reading them all now - really great stuff! thank you a lot! :)
Thanks for the links.

Taking your invitation to post other material, here's an article about general game development advice I liked very much. The article applies to Flash games, but the advice works well with any other type of game.

Fatal Flaws in Flash Game Design and Development
I've dug a few up, as well:

An article about the relationship between detailed plans and success of games:
(A relationship I myself have learned the hard way X-D)

You Can't Design Fun On Paper

One about letting go of nice, working demos to make the real game (Even when it means breaking the demo you worked so hard on)

Fighting Procrastination: Local Maxima

This one's less about design and more about compos. It was written about Ludum Dare, but much of it applies to PyWeek as well:

Sol's "Rules" for Surviving Ludum Dare 48h

The tale of a man making a Roguelike from scratch in a 40-hour week:

How to Build a Game in a Week From Scratch with No Budget
thanks again! :)