pygame 1.9.0 released!

What's new (heaps of things since 1.8.1):
Takes the "pure" out of "Game Development" An Open Source Community Project

Summary of changes:
  - bug fixes for backwards compatibility issues introduced in pygame 1.8.x series. old games like solarwolf and libraries like PGU work again.
  - experimental camera webcam module (still in development).
  - experimental midi module based on portmidi and pyportmidi (99% complete).
  - experimental gfxdraw module based on SDL_gfx (including AA circles, textured polygons and other goodness).
  - python3, and python3.1 support mostly completed. Some modules still remain to be completed - but mostly it's working.
  - nokia mobile phone s60 support.
  - improved OSX support (dropped pyobjc dependency, improved installer, sysfont now works on OSX).
  - pygame.examples + pygame.tests included with pygame. This makes testing easier, and also makes learning pygame more fun and easy.
  - cleanup of examples, and addition of new examples.
  - new tools to aid in development of pygame itself, better compilation documentation.
  - py2app, and py2exe support improved.

Files are up on the download page.

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Wow, that sounds like a bunch of great improvements!
Takes the "pure" out of "Game Development"? What the heck is that supposed to mean?
Also, why is there a green line in front of the snake's nose?
i hope some people can code some interesting snippets for trying out these new features! :)
@gcewing: not pure python... gettit? It used to be 'C' then 'C++', and now it's 'pure'. Silly, and dumb yes. The green line is there because the pyweek css is adding in some table formatting that I couldn't figure out how to remove.


Illume wrote: not pure python... gettit?

Doesn't make much sense -- the point of PyGame is so that the user can write his game in pure Python, not whether the library is pure Python.

Would be better left the way it was, I think.

Indeed, it was better before. Jokes that need to be explained are never good:) I guess it's an anti 'pure' message... like the 'pure java' meme that infected so many java programmers... that seems to be infecting some python programmers these days. So in a way, it's the opposite message to what it was...

However 'Takes the C++ out of game development' still reflects room for C though :). ok, definitely explained the joke too much now (even though it probably makes little sense... sorry).

... anyway looking forward to trying out some of these new pygame 1.9.0 features in a pyweek game :)