The 9th PyWeek is complete! Time for playing :)

The coding part of the ninth PyWeek challenge has completed!

The task was to write a game that incorporated the theme of "Feather".

This challenge ran from Sunday 30th August to Sunday 6th September (00:00UTC to 00:00UTC)

Go play the games!

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I like scissors. Makes me think of a puzzle game. Hm.

Flagging makes me think of Capture the Flag, but I think that'd probably be what most people would do.

"What big eyes you have" leaves me blank.

All in all, though, a good crop of themes! This is gonna be a great compo! Yatta!

Ya.. the themes.. were a little hard to select from compared to the last pyweeks..I guess pyweek is maturing :)

Yes, I think this is the best group of potential themes I've seen in a long time.

"What big eyes you have" leaves me blank.

Everyone could do a demake of The Path.
@georgek: I actually came across The Path recently. Honestly, I think that putting the word "demake" there it is giving the original too much credit, even in a one-week prototyping challenge.
I don't like any of the themes.... tough luck, hehe.

Especially because I'd like to do something strategy-related and suited to a multiplayer web-game.

Scissors: Multiplayer-version of rock-paper-scissors? That would be great.
Feather: Trading game?
Big Eyes: Wolves competing for little girls?
Reception: Awfully unspecific. Could make any trading game possible, wouldn't it?
Flagging: Capture the flags obviously
@Tiger - at - flagging seems to mean more as becoming tired or weak, not exactly capturing flags... (Richard, please confirm...)
nitrofurano: You're right, that's what the word "flagging" usually means, but it doesn't matter. You can interpret the theme however you want. If "flagging" gets chosen, some people will make games about stamina, some about catching a taxicab, some about semaphore, some about security screening, and some about boolean options to function calls. It's all good.
I like the themes and will be happy with any one of them. I hope I will be able to compete — it will be my second week at my new job, so everything is rather hectic.
<a href=""><img src="" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="5"></a>Hi, everyboy:<br>

I have not any idea about it. have you ?