Packaging in windows?
As part of CS-L's warmup I've been trying to package our test project under windows. We're using PyOpenGL and PyGame. I have yet to complete my task, which would have been extremely bad if this were the competition. I'm struggling with getting Py2Exe to even package it to a runnable state. It keeps bumping up against Numpy dependencies which are driving me mad. Even using PyMike's PySetup has it failing to package a simple pure pygame script. Besides which I do not know if Py2Exe would work since the PyOpenGL docs says 3.0 (which is what I have installed) does not work with Py2Exe.
The other packaging method I've experimented with is bbfreeze. I've had more success using it and it is quite brilliantly simple to use. However it seems to have a problem with, which it isn't able to load. Everything else seems to be working but music, which I think is a deal breaker. So any ideas on where to go about figuring out this seemingly black art of packaging?
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Maybe it's not finding it by itself.
I recall an older version of py2exe works better... but can't remember which one it is off the top of my head.
ps. Where is the latest skellington? I can't find the home page.
I had to change the a little. Also had to remove the lib dir, and just put my code in the main dir.
python py2exe
cd dist
pygame 1.8.1
ZeroByte on 2008/09/03 23:41:
After a whole day I spotted a newsgroup post stating that the woes started in 1.8. Rolling back to 1.7 in windows did it for me. Hope this helps teams in packaging. Don't use pygame 1.8! I found the 1.7.1 installer for Python 2.5 here