Throwing in the programming towel

Unfortunately, my team was not able to get all our art together, and I was not able to get all the code together. I think this is the first pyweek I've officially thrown in the towel for, but hey I have learned PLENTY.

What I've got so far: a very good force & intertia system, a camera system that will successfully follow any object you give it in 2d space, and smoothly move around the hockey field, and a puck that moves according to its atan2(dy,dx)

One of my major problems right now is the fact that I want the puck to move extremely quickly, yet STILL pick up attachments to players. When the puck is moving at 15 pixels every frame update, the puck can easily pass over the player's collide rect. Classic problem, but its the first time I've had to face it.

I do not plan to stop this project however, and my team is very enthusiastic to get a hockey game together :) I think we all like to add a few gems to our portfolios. My team is starting to look into using actual 3-D, we'll see how much I can get on this thing! :)

Anyways, good luck all, I'll make sure to judge the entries that complete their games. I'll be going solo on the next compo so more programmer graphics for pyweek 6!! :)

Check out the SmashSquad 0.6a release of my work in progress, and feel free to check out the fun code. I did A LOT of fun hybrid inheritance + declaring classes for physics.