Change of name, and an animation
Something cool, then some lame babbling. First something cool; there's an animation for Drakko up. Uncolored and the like. Basically, I was going crazy trying to animate the walkcycle for this character, but my friend Grumbel (real name Ingo Ruhnke) made a nice animation for me. It looks good! Really good, in fact. I look forward to coloring it.
Tried making a background, but it completely, totally sucked. For some reason, I had this idea that if I had this repeating background of twisted pipes, it would really be awesome. Instead I ended up with a Windows 95-esque desktop background.
So. A bit of background on the project... Jeff (codexile) and I were brainstorming on ideas that resembled "Twisted". We thought of a game where you run up a spiral staircase and avoid falling objects, but that seemed kind like it would be difficult to code. Then we thought of a tornado rampage-esque destroying a city, and that seemed like it would be hard to make interesting.
"Maybe twisted, like gumby?" And we started to talk about twisting appendages and stuff.
Then jeff mentioned a concept I had sketched up and discarded two years ago, for a game where you have a blob that attaches to characters, and you control them. (It was a really tiny sketch, you can find it here) And we started thinking, "yeah, twisting around monsters to control them, that's the game!" So we immediately started fleshing that idea out.
And all has been going well, but then Jeff did a google search and it turns out there's already another game called Blobbit. What else to call the game? No other name seems really good. So far we're just thinking we'll call it "Globbit".
We're shooting for a playable demo on Thursday night. It'll be awesome, I promise. Think of Kirby, but more puzzle-esque, and instead of stealing the powers from the enemies, you actually take control of them.
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