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coffee of Habibis am Hustlen posted a new diary entry: Quick little update.

Hey everyone,

We've been pretty quiet until now, but we wanted to share a quick update!

We really liked the theme but got a bit carried away during planning. We're now working on a 1v1 online sword-fighting game. The basic netcode and game logic are in place, and we're currently adding a blocking mechanic and a secondary attack.

This has...

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ntoll gave an award to Catfish Escape.

The 3d Maze of Twisty Passages Award for a Maze of Twisty Passages
Presented by ntoll

ntoll gave an award to Meep!.

The "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull" award for avian representation in a video game
Presented by ntoll

ntoll gave an award to Bleep Bloop.

The "Should have used a TUBA" award for only having BOOP as a sound effect.
Presented by ntoll

ntoll gave an award to Riverborn.

The "it looks more like a worm to me" for not actually being a Sandworm of Arrakis
Presented by ntoll

ntoll of ScriptyPy posted a new diary entry: Swimmy Submarine.

After a false on Monday, I put my thinking cap on for a game on the theme of "downstream".

Since I'm playing with relatively new technology for making a game in Python (i.e. running it in the browser via PyScript), I wanted a simple game on the theme... something daft but fun like Flappy Bird. How about Swimmy Sub? The back story isn't...

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