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Solo entry by wreckgar23. No previous form. Getting some coding practice in between job hunting.


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Overall: 2.2
Fun: 2.1
Production: 2.2
Innovation: 2.4

Respondents: 19


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Screenshot-cat crap defender.png
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wreckgar23 2009/05/02 21:26
final version before beer
wreckgar23 2009/05/02 21:21

Diary Entries

unit test results so far

Finding files... ['/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/'] ... done Importing test modules ... done. testAllMowed (lawn.LawnTest) ... ERROR testCatOnLawn (lawn.LawnTest) ... ok testCatScaredOfGardener (lawn.LawnTest) ... ERROR testCatScaredOfMower (lawn.LawnTest) ... ERROR testCrapOnLawn (lawn.LawnTest) ... ERROR testGardenerPickedUpCrap (lawn.LawnTest) ... ERROR testMowedArea (lawn.LawnTest) ... ERROR testMowedCrap (lawn.LawnTest) ... ERROR testMowedGardener (lawn.LawnTest) ... ERROR testMowedLane (lawn.LawnTest) ... ERROR testMowerMovedToNextLane (lawn.LawnTest) ... ERROR testPosnAccess (lawn.LawnTest) ... ok testSelectCatDest (lawn.LawnTest) ... ERROR ====================================================================== ERROR: testAllMowed (lawn.LawnTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/", line 129, in testAllMowed while lawn.items["mower"].crossing_lanes(lawn): AttributeError: Mower instance has no attribute 'crossing_lanes' ====================================================================== ERROR: testCatScaredOfGardener (lawn.LawnTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/", line 110, in testCatScaredOfGardener lawn.items["cat"] = Cat(expectedCatStartPosn) NameError: global name 'expectedCatStartPosn' is not defined ====================================================================== ERROR: testCatScaredOfMower (lawn.LawnTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/", line 103, in testCatScaredOfMower lawn.items["cat"] = Cat(expectedCatStartPosn) NameError: global name 'expectedCatStartPosn' is not defined ====================================================================== ERROR: testCrapOnLawn (lawn.LawnTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/", line 81, in testCrapOnLawn lawn.items["cat"].crap(lawn) AttributeError: Cat instance has no attribute 'crap' ====================================================================== ERROR: testGardenerPickedUpCrap (lawn.LawnTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/", line 185, in testGardenerPickedUpCrap lawn.items["cat"] = Cat(expectedCatStartPosn) NameError: global name 'expectedCatStartPosn' is not defined ====================================================================== ERROR: testMowedArea (lawn.LawnTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/", line 117, in testMowedArea self.assertEqual(expectedLawnRect, lawn.rect) NameError: global name 'expectedLawnRect' is not defined ====================================================================== ERROR: testMowedCrap (lawn.LawnTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/", line 147, in testMowedCrap lawn.items["cat"] = Cat(expectedCatStartPosn) NameError: global name 'expectedCatStartPosn' is not defined ====================================================================== ERROR: testMowedGardener (lawn.LawnTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/", line 157, in testMowedGardener lawn.items["mower"].rect.move_ip(expectedGardenerStartPosn) NameError: global name 'expectedGardenerStartPosn' is not defined ====================================================================== ERROR: testMowedLane (lawn.LawnTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/", line 164, in testMowedLane while lawn.items["mower"].mowing_lane(lawn): AttributeError: Mower instance has no attribute 'mowing_lane' ====================================================================== ERROR: testMowerMovedToNextLane (lawn.LawnTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/", line 174, in testMowerMovedToNextLane while lawn.items["mower"].mowing_lane(lawn): AttributeError: Mower instance has no attribute 'mowing_lane' ====================================================================== ERROR: testSelectCatDest (lawn.LawnTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simon/workspace/getoffmylawn/src/gamelib/", line 94, in testSelectCatDest lawn.setCatDest() AttributeError: Lawn instance has no attribute 'setCatDest' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 13 tests in 0.002s FAILED (errors=11)

1 comment

basis of engine together

I'm hoping a plan will start to come together on friday when i have a mad panic putting together graphics and sounds. I think I will go for the 2600 look :) I'm hoping that things will be less buggy having some form of test harness. It's made me think a lot more about what I'm doing implementation wise. Probably too heavy handed, I wonder. We'll see. It's certainly limited what I can throw into the pot, which is probably a good thing. I'll be glad to just get something done, no matter how crappy it is :) I think I have the bulk of the game logic. The game loop should drive the engine the same way as the test harness does. I'm hoping the animation states and other nuts and bolts will need less thought. Well, I think they will have less thought, come what may!

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i'm done

obviously there's not much to this game! there probably is some potential in taking it further, but just glad to get it done between all the other pressures of time. would have liked to have added magic mushrooms thrown on to the garden by gnomes cleared away by weeds for various bonuses, such as speeding/stopping the mower or expelling cats. also some gameplay potential in irregularly shaped gardens another time maybe. now for some beer :)

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