PyWeek - Universe Factory 36 - feedback

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 4


With my brother-in-law's pet flarg duct-taped to my hull, I set out in search of seeing what isn't there...! Forgive my intentionally obtuse pretense. I couldn't help it. :) I had a lot of fun. Thanks for this game.

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 4


The overall concept is very cool. I liked the various upgrades and how you had to track unmatter to find other gravity wells. Great graphics and polish as usual too, but I had a minor bug where black horizontal bars would appear. I'm glad you added difficulty settings, I couldn't see the unmatter with default settings, though I had trouble finding a balanced setting that wasn't too hard or too easy. Great work!

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


This game could be put on with a little more work. Quite a bit of game play, but if you are an astrophysists I'm sure your aware of the problems you have with the bodies motions and why do they orbit that small space station and not vice-verser? Made a hard distance limit. why not a fuel limit? have it so you have to return to the space station but fuel is free, just upgrade in fuel tank size so you can go on longer trips. Controls could be improved a little more

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


It's good.

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 4


Nice slow game. At the end it feels like repeating the same thing over and over.
Not sure if the universe is that crowded with rocks :D

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 4


I enjoyed playing with this game. I had to crank up the number of starts to the max. The ship was initially too slow. I think those gravity wells were a really good idea! Especially showing the number of dark matter objects around.

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 4


Cool idea! Gravity wells ... gotta catch 'em all :) ... I think that the game is a very nice experiment also in delayed gratification: I think I found the first 5 minutes very frustrating as I really struggled to track those little occultations, but once I got an upgrade or two on the gravnet, things rapidly became more satisfying :) ... I loved all the little upgrades, and finder tools and cool Abe's Odyssey-like character back at the station. The asteroids were nice too as I found it fun to balance between searching and dodging. Experiment success :)!

Fun 2 Prod 3 Inno 3


I did not like the fact that the challenging part is to locate dark things on dark screen

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 5


Very hard at frst, then I change the settings.

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 5


This is a really fun game and concept but I couldn't play too far because its just too dang hard. Even with a lot of background objects turned on its very hard for me to tell where the dark matter orbs are in space

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 5


I'm amazed!

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 3


-Cool semi 3d ship
-Interesting gameplay idea

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 4


Awesome as always!