New to PyGame
Recently played SwitchCars on Steam which was written in PyGame and it inspired me to give PyGame a shot. This seems like a good little bit of extra motivation to learn it instead of procrastinating :)
Diary Entries
engine building, hopefully at some point game building
Coming at this as a complete newbie to Pygame I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I've spent most of my time so far creating engine basics such as transforms, different game object types, layout/alignment system, state manager, etc. Probably most of this is totally unnecessary and I am reinventing the wheel in some fashion or another but I have learned a lot.
Right now I just have the main menu and character create(one and the same in this minigame) working, and a basic tiled grid on the game screen. Hoping now that this part is out of the way I can build an actual game in the remaining time, but that depends on work schedule, energy levels, and a demanding three year old :)