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Jacobs VS Richard Bommer & the machines army in the fabuluos 8-bit

This is my second PyWeek the last chance, i learn a lot of stuff and now i ready to this. :)


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.8
Fun: 2.5
Production: 3.5
Innovation: 2.5

1% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 19


File Uploader Date
final stage
andarms 2014/05/18 08:00
main menu
andarms 2014/05/18 07:59
JVSRB (2).zipfinal
The other load the final boos, just opened
andarms 2014/05/18 07:56
andarms 2014/05/18 07:47
some progress, many work to do
andarms 2014/05/15 02:08
andarms 2014/05/12 02:48

Diary Entries

8 -bit Yeah

my prefertheme won, now i will start do the magic, i decided do a platformer game and this night (cause i live in Colombia and here still in saturday) i want do the sprites, i wanna do something nice so i started in that way.

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maybe a few copyright issues

so the theme of the competition is 8-bit, I want to make some pixel art, I searched google for some inspiration, I found many good examples, the problem is that I copied or rather I based in these example to create my own sprites, perhaps i think that I can have some issues with copyright. but these examples are usually only a single image and I had to create the rest to make animations. an example of what I say:

the original:

my based sprite:

hopefully this is not a big deal

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Busy days, not much progress

in these last 2 days I've been a little busy and I could not advance much in my game, so tonight i'll try to move as much as possible

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some progress, many work to do

i chose the name of my game, Jacobs vs Richard Boomer and the machines army in the fabulous 8-bit.

Game History:

my name is Jacobs, i was president and founder of the biggest company developer of artificial intelligence.

one of my most innovative and controversial projects, was the integration of human brains as part of intelligent systems, as expected this caused divided opinions in all areas of society, in the end i got government permission to experiment with death row inmates.

several months after, the test subject # 3bfg34-Richard Bomer, obtained the expected results from the study, the hybrid showed inteligence signs never seen before, intelligence based on emotions. the taboo had been broken, but never thought I would have to then pay for it.

not clear when, but it learned to communicate with other machines, also find out how to control them. and that was the beginning of the end ...

now my mission and duty is to stop what I began.

  I have to destroy Richard Bommer ....

Jacobs vs Richard Boomer and the machines army in the fabulous 8-bit.

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Jacobs VS Richard Bommer & the machines army in the fabuluos 8-bit

after a long and fun week, I finally finished my game, perhaps they do not stay as I wanted but it is playable.

in this PyWeek learned a lot, and I'm proud of my work, is that even though there is much for improvement , I had fun and that's really what matters.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Jacobs VS Richard Bommer & the machines army in the fabuluos 8-bit

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