PyWeek - Dark Matter - feedback

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 4


Really fun and very well polished, it looks great! I enjoyed shooting down rival ships. I wasn't sure what to do after I was done killing them though, didn't want to collect 100+ canisters. Great work!

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 3


What a smooth game. I loved the handling, the unlimited firepower, and the simple mechanics. Mouse control was excellent, though some of those enemies were very hard to catch. Nice game!

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 3


Outstanding production! The game looks and plays great, and I appreciate the extra effort you made to make sure it runs on Linux. The gameplay was pretty good, although I always have trouble following the action in these sort of games. I didn't feel like I was doing very good but I managed to survive. Awesome that there are different ships to choose from. Some info displayed on the different ships would be really great, although it's easy enough to try them out so this wasn't a big deal.

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 4


I very much enjoyed the interactivity but had issues with getting `libopenal-dev` to work correctly on my machine leading to audio-less game play. other than that. it was quite enjoyable. led me to read the source code a little... not that we rate on source code. but 1000 lines of code in one file 😕️. but the game was quite enjoyable, could be made into a genuinely good indie game with a little more time and effort

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 4


Nice game, got a bit lost because after eliminating all others I thought I have to collect all canisters. After I collected them all nothing happened. So I abort mission and got all ships unlocked already.

After playing a while the music stopped and from time to time I had slow down. But maybe its just my old hardware.

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 4


Great work! It's always a treat to have a good 3D game in pyweek, well done! I couldn't get the native source code running unfortunately on OSX 10.15 (I had a crash from zengl that it couldn't locate, so I had to play the web-version, but I feel like I got a pretty good feel for the game from that. The controls were really fun and it was quite a challenge to hit those pesky rivals! Nice choice of 3D models and music/sounds: looking forward to seeing more cool 3D entries in the future!

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 4


Very good game, nice controls

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


It looks great, has good graphics, but at first it was difficult to understand.

Fun 3 Prod 5 Inno 2



Fun 5 Prod 5 Inno 5


Wonderful game, the graphics are so W

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 4


This is huge! I didn't even know that a game like this could be made in python!

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 2


Nice use of 3d gameplay. Simple art style worked nicely. Tutorial was a good introcution. Unfortunately after a couple minutes of playing it seems that I've seen all that the game had to offer, and once all the rivals are defeated there isn't much incentive to carry on flying to pick up another hundred canisters

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 3


-Looks great visually
-Controlled pretty good
-Was difficult to land shots on enemies (reticle might help)
-Enemies didn't really target me at all

Fun 3 Prod 5 Inno 3


This looks incredible! Love voxels

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 3



Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 3


this game is quite fun and polished, I do think there should have been a bit more clarification on what to because I didn't realise that you were supposed to leave the mission to get more enemies because once I killed all the enemies I was kind of just floating in space for a while and it was only when I got back to the menu that I realised I had unlocked all the ships. I also think that you should have made the music loop (Idk what audio lib you used but most audio librarys have a way to loop music). Apart from that this game in insanely polished considering it is a 3D game that was made in one week, it felt very immersive and fun when all the enemies where flying around and all the sounds fit well with the gameplay. Overall great job!