Cult of the Eclipse

Cult of the Eclipse

Cult of The Eclipse

Follow the return of Kairos Nightshade in his ultimate journey to rid the world of the shadow once and for all. In his journey to subdue the shadow, he must gather 3 relics in order to fight and finish the shadow once and for all, as well as stopping the cult known as The Cult Of The Eclipse who are hell bent on bringing the shadow into the physical world. In the Game known as Kairos Nightshade: Cult of The Eclipse!

Instructions for Running the Game

Uses PyZero (pip install pgzero)

Playing the Game

Find the relic before time runs out. Use the Arrow keys to move left, right, and Up (or space for up).  Manuever around the obstacles and find the relic before time runs out.  If you run out of time, you lose.  If you find the relic in time, you win.

Now with a +


For the funnies!


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.3
Fun: 2
Production: 2.6
Innovation: 2.1

5% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 17


File Uploader Date
Cult of the Eclipse
smoktwix 2023/09/24 16:16
Cult of the Eclipse
smoktwix 2023/09/24 16:10