As final as it's going to get! I didn't finish but I had fun!


It's just me on this team, I've been learning python for a while (and keeping a blog about it) and I thought this would be a fun way to learn more PyGame!


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Overall: 1.8
Fun: 1.3
Production: 2.0
Innovation: 2.2

3% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 29


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Here is version 0.0.1 of Bunny Run. I din't finish but you can look at what it was sort of going to be like.
selsine 2006/09/09 22:37
As final as it's going to get! I didn't finish but I had fun!
selsine 2006/09/09 22:31
My Simple Lever Editor...why did I spend time making it? Well it was something that I always wanted to do so I figured why not.
selsine 2006/09/09 00:51
Those crazy bunnies, running all over the place disappearing into holes, eating vegetables...what are they doing...please tell me
selsine 2006/09/06 04:29
It's a bunny running, too bad I can't draw...oh well I just had to get something up
selsine 2006/09/04 20:29

Diary Entries

The Disapppearing Act?

Oh boy I really need to think up something, of course this will have to wait until after my golf game, but once that is done I'm gonna get cracking on this...

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Man oh Man

Well I'm working away at this, very slowly as my 9-5 has been creeping into my night life and it looks like it will continue for the rest of the week. Should probably have used some tools like PGU or something since so much of what I am doing feels like I am re-inventing 16 I'm still not exactly sure what the point of my game will be...sigh run bunnies run.

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Simple Level Editor?

So I spent my free time over the last two days creating a simple level editor for my game since I was getting annoyed working with numbers and lists.

I'm not really sure why I needed to make one I always just sort of wanted one that I knew how to use and didn't have to learn. Of course that means that my level editor is missing many of the high level features that most available editors have, but isn't that part of what PyWeek is about? Expanding the available code base and inceasing knowledge?

Either way I can now make levels a lot faster and more easily then I could before, and if I make it public I'll be able to use it next PyWeek!

Now I should really get back to my game and get it workings...

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Well it's coming down to the end

Well it looks like it's coming down to the end, and it looks like my idea of what midnight saturday is, is totally different then when this pyweek ends.

So it looks like I won't be finnishing my entry, but I still had fun, and I still have a little time so I'll try to see what I can do!