Non-Infringing Demons-On-Mars Shooter

2D top-down shooter.


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I was wondering when PyWeek was going to start... just to look at the site and see it started yesterday! Every PyWeek I set out to make a super-ambitious game that will take way too long to make, just to see how far I can get. I'm working pretty hard at the day-job this week though - so I think I'll go for something really small and simple.

"Red Planet" makes me think of Doom - maybe a top-down shooter set on a Mars base? It also makes me think of the movie Red Planet - that had a scout robot that turned evil and killed all the astronauts. Maybe work that in somehow. 

It should make the physics trivial if I use 32x32 pixel tiles (maybe hexes?) that are just marked solid or not-solid. I'm surprised to see there aren't any really solid libraries that implement the "wave function collapse" level generation algorithm in Python - there's this, which just barely meets the standards for PyWeek - if I can get it to work that'll save me some time, if not I'll just use the Growing Tree maze algorithm. This one seems more appropriate for a game but the rules technically don't allow it since the doesn't link to the docs.

Making a guy who moves around should be simple, making some enemies with dumb AI should be simple, getting them to shoot each other should be simple, slap a scoring system on top of that and you have a game. Should be able to knock that out with the rest of today and a few evenings after, he said overconfidently.

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