PyWeek - samosa - feedback

Fun 2 Prod 4 Inno 4


nice game, its hard to type and move. I guess its a high score type of game.

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 3


The sense of humor and style in your games is just great. :) The gameplay is simple but it's compensated by the humor. Got a bit confused when I got stuck on apples, but got the hang of it afterwards. Nice work.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 3


I found this game very frustrating which may be partly down to my 60% keyboard meaning I have to press "Fn" to access the arrow keys but I imagine having to move way off the home row to the arrow keys isn't much better. I'm impressed you made all of the sounds, music and graphics as well as the coding. Good job

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


Strange but not bad.

Fun 4 Prod 3 Inno 4


Loved the music! It was difficult to know when to "jump" vs type in the words. Were the words supposed to make the player run faster?

Fun 3 Prod 5 Inno 4


Loved it: the art and the music in the game are sooooo good. The whole production value is very good, with the cutscene at the end. I liked the game concept: the only criticism I'd give is that it is pretty damn hard: even after about 20 attempts I still couldn't make that 100m so I had to go watch the youtube to see the end scene :) .. maybe you could give us a couple of lives/hearts or something for when you get those long words that you just can't get in time, so you get a second chance :) (could also be because my typing skills are lacking :) ) ... Awesome work!

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 4


Functional chase game, with the added complexity of being a typing trainer. My touch-typing didn't prepare me to do a chase sequence at the same time! Pretty fun, high energy music and characterful art. Nicely done!

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 4


Interesting game a bit hard but the general idea was nice.

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 3


I really enjoyed the hand drawn animation and the story. Made the game feel immersive in a way that is hard to achieve in just one week!

Fun 2 Prod 3 Inno 3


Your distinctive style really comes through on the graphics and pacing and writing. Well done there! The gameplay seems a bit arbitrary I guess but there's a good challenge level and a satisfying conclusion.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 3


Kind a difficult game, but I enjoyed it. Nice art. I thought that the apples where like coins in mario, so I loss many times at the beginning.

Fun 4 Prod 3 Inno 4


I need another hand

Fun 1 Prod 1 Inno 3


it is weird to play,
often you type it right, but it does not line up right or is just not working.
maybe the speed should be lower, to at least know what i am doing wrong

Fun 4 Prod 3 Inno 4


Oh boy was that a stressful but great experience!! Loved the mix of having to type and avoid them apples at the same time. I also enjoyed the art style a lot!! Great job in making this title.

I only managed to win after several attempts. There's no credits rolling when you loose, it would be good to either show the credits even when put in jail, or maybe ask the player to try again instead of having to run the game from start.