PyWeek - The Pyrates - feedback

Disqualify Fun 2 Prod 2 Inno 2


No shadows

Fun 1 Prod 2 Inno 2


Congratulations to have built something in a week!

seems rather unbalanced. The choice of 'x' and 'z' keys is bad since they are not near each other on every keyboard (qwerty vs qwertz Keyboards!).

The gravity seems to be unbounded so I could just remove or set it very low and 'jump' of to space.... err over the entire level... err being 'in the air' for a long time.

Fun 3 Prod 2 Inno 3


Managing your gravity is interesting, I feel like I'm playing Flappy Bird with gravity changing. :)

Fun 3 Prod 2 Inno 2


flappy shadows!

Fun 2 Prod 1 Inno 1


a decent "Flappy Bird"-like game that doesn't really utilize the shadow theme all too well. there also isn't a celing so the player can jump very high to avoid all of the buildings.

Fun 3 Prod 2 Inno 2


Oh geez, I'm really bad at Flappy Bird, although I did finally get the hang of this and get up to about 70. I like the building obstacles, and the fact that you have to go off the top of the screen at some points was an interesting twist. To prevent cheating (not by me of course, other people) I would recommend making it so that if you fly over a building that's attached to the top, you die. Otherwise you can just mash up and win. Being able to change the gravity is a cool feature, although I couldn't really put it to good use during the game.