In-game screenshot


Miner is a dig-and-gather-resources game. You are Sam, a Moon resource miner who must gather resources from the Moon surface.

Notable features:
* Randomly generated Moon surface using, well, the random-module.
* Destructible environment, much like Minecraft in 2D.
* Menu system. I made up a rather quick and dirty menu system, but it works just awesome and I like it.

Originally planned features
* Another planet in the background - doh! I wanted it to be a pixelized version of Earth.
* Procedural moon landscape. I wanted the player to be able to dig as deep and explore as much of the Moon surface as he wanted to.
* Better gameplay. I should have worked better on the core ideas of the gameplay. The game can be challenging, but it will be repetitive in the end.

Closing thoughts
I am happy that I finished the game and did my first PyWeek! That's just great.
There are plenty of things I would have done differently, however.
First of all I probably shouldn't have been off-the-grid for 5 days of the challenge.
I also now know that it's very important to rethink your gameplay/challenge before starting the programming.

The challenge was great, however. And I enjoyed it!


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 3.1
Fun: 3.4
Production: 2.6
Innovation: 3.2

Respondents: 18


File Uploader Date
In-game screenshot
powrtoch 2013/09/08 08:32
The MINER source code
powrtoch 2013/09/08 08:24

Diary Entries

Back online - and one day left (auch)!

Having been off the grid and without internet the past 5 days, I've been rather concerned how the game would end up.

But I've done what I could without any access to the internet, and the result is a small, little game with a story that's, well, not really fitting to the gameplay (and rather cheesy).

With only one day left (and with tomorrow being a very busy day of SCUBA diving) I now know that I won't be able to put much more effort into the game.

I would like to recap what I've been able to do though and what I initially planned to do, but haven't had the time or resources for.

* Randomly generated Moon surface using, well, the random-module.
* Destructible environment, much like Minecraft in 2D.
* Menu system. I made up a rather quick and dirty menu system, but it works just awesome and I like it.

* Procedural moon landscape. I wanted the player to be able to dig as deep and explore as much of the Moon surface as he wanted to.
* Better gameplay. I should have worked better on the core ideas of the gameplay. The game can be challenging, but it will be repetitive in the end.

Never the less - it was fun putting myself up to the challenge and I can't wait to see what the rest of you guys have come up with!

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