Turtle geometry - the avatar

Mutatis Mutandis

Mutatis Mutandis: a hypothetical point-and-click puzzle game in which it is possible to mutate every object (including the avatar!) using a gradually expanding set of mutations. The mutation repertoire is expanded by eating "random seeds".


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File Uploader Date
"Mutatis Mutandis" source code
guyr 2011/09/27 08:52
Some animation keyframes
guyr 2011/09/18 21:27
Bypassing obstacles with Dijkstra's algorithm
guyr 2011/09/18 21:27
The walk area
guyr 2011/09/18 21:26
Turtle geometry - the avatar
guyr 2011/09/18 21:24
Turtle geometry - fractal tree
guyr 2011/09/18 21:23
First turtle geometry expertiment
guyr 2011/09/18 21:23

Diary Entries

Retrospective (non-)progress report on "Mutatis Mutandis"

Idodi didn't have time to participate, and I also decided to retire from the competition after four days for personal reasons.

The idea was a point-and-click puzzle game in which it would have been possible to mutate every object (including the avatar!) using a gradually expanding set of mutations. The mutations were to include morphological and behavior/movement changes. During the game, "random seeds" were  to be gathered in order to increase the repertoire of mutations. Mutations were to be applied using a fractal-like zooming interface. 

Retrospectively, the concept was probably a little too grandiose for this time frame ;)

Noteworthy artifacts include:
1. A very crude basis for a point-and-click puzzle/adventure game with Dijkstra path-finding.

2. A very basic implementation of turtle geometry for the construction of mutable skeletons/objects.

The code uses pyglet and shapely.

I will publish screenshots and source code promptly.

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Mutatis Mutandis: screenshots and commentary

Here are some examples of turtle geometry. The resulting procedurally-generated objects are supposedly easy to mutate:

Here is an example of the walk area to which the avatar is confined. Clicking outside of it takes the avatar to the nearest possible point within the walk area.

Here is what happens when obstacles are in the way. The graph below contains all vertices of the walk area (including the hole) and the avatar's source and destination points. The blue lines indicate paths that pass completely within the walk area (and are thus edges in the graph). The green lines indicate the shortest paths from the avatar's source point (in the lower right quadrant) to all other points in the graph (computed by Dijkstra's algorithm). The avatar chooses the shortest path from source to destination.

This is just the very beginning of keyframes for animation. At this point I retired.



Mutatis Mutandis: source code

The source code is now available for download.
I hope it will be useful to someone.


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