PyWeek - Team Maullar - feedback

Fun 4 Prod 3 Inno 4


Neat concept and fun levels! The platforming controls are a bit too slide-y, I had to repeat the first non-tutorial level several times even though it was a simple jumping challenge. Solid game.

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 4


This was a fun platformer, and it's refreshing to play a non-Mars based game for this theme :) ... I liked the use of colour and switches, although I guess I would have liked to see the colours playing together in some way more (like in the red and gree criss-crossed level, where you have to work different colour types simultaneously). I also found the platforming a bit tricky, I felt like the acceleration of the character was very low which meant I had lots of issues with overshoot, but could just be me maybe not tuned to it :). Cool game guys!

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 5


This game was really fun, but it defiantly felt like some stuff was missing, plus walking is kinda slippery, but all in all I liked Dr. Nefario's Huepocalypse

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 4


I think this game is good but there are a few problems first of all dr Farb is a bit slippery secondly compared to the tutorial levels there are no main game levels or main levels at all third of all there feels like some content is missing fourth of all it feels like some gems can only be collected if you die while getting them

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 2


Good game! Well done

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


still trying to figure this game out. Perhaps an initial tutorial would be helpful.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


It's really cool that you got so many different mechanics implemented. It's really hard to make a platformer feel just right in a short amount of time, and I think this one is not too bad. But given how challenging the platforming is, I would have welcomed a little more precision on the controls. But the short levels made it not too frustrating to miss a jump. Good job on the level design! +1 Production for great packaging and README.

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 4


Could have had more levels. Still nice little game, tricky jumps (at least for me).

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 4


Nice game mechanics, something different than most.

Fun 3 Prod 5 Inno 4


Really nice
Could have used a bgm
The tutorial was super nice and clear

I personally dislike the sliding

I got stuck on Tutorial 6, I missed the diamond that's on top and activated the checkpoint when I landed on the right side. So I couldn't advance further

Fun 4 Prod 3 Inno 3


Took a while to get used to the fast slippery movements of the actor but then it was quite well going. Not to hard not to easy. the sound effects were well placed. I did miss some nice music though.

What I also missed, was the relation to the actual theme. This was basically just a platformer playing a little with colors, but what does this has to do with "the red planet"? Just after reading the story you've written here it made a little more sense, but why have we had to collected gems and kill monsters? It felt a little like the story was missing in the game.

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 5


Very frustrating when the wall jumps don't trigger, but the game had a lot of interesting challenges.

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 5


This was a really neat concept. I love the idea of this puzzle shooter type and I don't think I've seen color items like this before. Well done.

Fun 2 Prod 3 Inno 4


Not able to get past the first stage. Also the sounds were too loud. Really wanted to play the game but couldn't get past the first stage. Liked the different approach with platformer genre.

Fun 4 Prod 3 Inno 4


pretty fun and liked game mechanics of jumping with all those special items and techniques. The sounds effects were too loud for me. It is challenging but not so hard that it's unfun.

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 4


Had a lot of fun playing this game and encountered no bugs. Everything was also pretty smooth.