Calvin's God Simulator 1.0 screenshot

Calvin's God Simulator

This game is text-based. It has no dependencies except that it requires Python 2.6 or greater. (Python 3.x is fine.) I expect to come in last after judging is complete.


When failure is success
Presented by Unicorn Markets

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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 1.8
Fun: 1.9
Production: 1.3
Innovation: 2.3

Respondents: 12


File Uploader Date
Windows build of Calvin's God Simulator 1.0 (built with 32-bit Python 2.7 and PyInstaller)
jmm0 2017/02/25 23:17
Screen Shot 2017-02-25 at 1.22.34 PM.png
Calvin's God Simulator 1.0 screenshot
jmm0 2017/02/25 19:24
Calvin's God Simulator 1.0
jmm0 2017/02/25 19:21