PyWeek - krs_dev - feedback

Fun 5 Prod 4 Inno 5


First mention a bug. PC with dark matter walls created around oneself causes a crash. probably because of path finding issues. I did not realize initially that this game was con-ways game of life in disguise when I did. it was so fun!!

Worthy of just have a finer grid for the simulation, and have a fancy intro artwork and audio.

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 4


Nice! The idea of using Conway's game of life is pretty cool. I wish it was more tightly coupled with the gameplay, maybe it could be interesting to have it evolve by itself and you'd have to dodge it to add some challenge. Also, "encasing yourself in dark matter will cause reality to collapse" means that the game crashes, that was funny. :)

Fun 2 Prod 2 Inno 3


No sound nor audio?
The idea of the blocks is nice.

Playing a bit the reality collapsed twice. And once due to a bug:

PS ...\pw36\krs_dev\darkmatter-game\darkmatter-game> py -3.11 .\
pygame-ce 2.3.2 (SDL 2.26.5, Python 3.11.2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "...\pw36\krs_dev\darkmatter-game\darkmatter-game\", line 548, in <module>
File "...\pw36\krs_dev\darkmatter-game\darkmatter-game\", line 468, in main
enemy.waypoints = enemy.get_path()
File "...\pw36\krs_dev\darkmatter-game\darkmatter-game\", line 228, in get_path
for step in raw_path:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
PS ...\pw36\krs_dev\darkmatter-game\darkmatter-game>

Fun 3 Prod 2 Inno 3


the game keeps crashing for some reason, not like a python error, like the window freezes and then I get the "Python is not responding" msg. The shooting mechnic was a little bit janky and it is quite simple. Apart from that, It was quite fun, a good timekiller that you can just open up and play. You did a great job with the movement and hitboxes. I think this has great potential, you should be proud

Fun 3 Prod 2 Inno 3


Good one ;)

Fun 2 Prod 2 Inno 3


nice game to build in a week

Fun 3 Prod 2 Inno 3


If I made walls around me the game crashes.

Fun 2 Prod 2 Inno 2


Hi congratulations on getting something working. You are on the right track to make good games! The game of life background is a bit hard to use also letting the user to stay on black and live forever. I guess you did not have enough time to finish it up.
Please don't mind the final scoring and keep on making games. The shooting part worked pretty well.

Fun 3 Prod 2 Inno 3


Nice attempt. Keep at it.
Try tweaking the size of the bullets.
Liked the idea of building walls. Sometimes, the motion is a bit buggy and the game crashed. The zombies have an interesting motion.

Fun 2 Prod 2 Inno 4


Maybe if there were some levels that introduced the evolution mechanic this could be cool but as it is I found it difficult to use it to any useful effect on such a small board with no warning of where attacks will come from.

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 3


Cool game! I managed to rack up about 13k score before my right index finger fell off from clicking to many times. I like the way in which "reality" collapses when you surround yourself with dark matter :) ... is that an a-star path planning related thing? Good work!

Fun 2 Prod 2 Inno 3


-Kept getting a NoneType object is not iterable error when I walled off zombies
-Interesting concept
-Hard to tell where/if you're shooting

Fun 4 Prod 2 Inno 3


A fun and clever little game! What you have is cool.

Tip: I would have rated production higher if you added sound and music, and some visual effects. On such a simple game you could really juice it up.

It could become more strategic if you slowed it down a bit, and indicated where the zombies were coming from so the player could preemptively block and corral them. Just a thought I had after playing it.

Nice job. Happy Pyweek!

Fun 4 Prod 3 Inno 4


I found this to be really fun and a novel concept! Only feed back is the game didnt seem to really get challenging until later when the waves consisted of much more enemies

Fun 3 Prod 2 Inno 2


Very simple game with a clear concept. Game did keep freezing after enough dark matter was placed, but even before then it seems I'd already seen what it had to offer. Also didn't seem to be anything stopping me from just surrounding myself with darkmatter so I can't be reached