Diary Entries
Day 0 - Warming Up
Not sure of the theme ideas - I'd like to have a go at coding an overhead racer or something with an asteroids style control (direction + thrust) or maybe something with tanks... We will see what happens.
See you at the starting line!
Day 1 - Overhead Boat Game
The plan is for an overhead boat game where you rescue people from the water and return them to your base. This is all a government conspiracy, of course, so the hidden budget ops trained sharks will be attacking real soon. Also some black helicopters may fly overhead...
The boat zooms about pretty well and the various debris spins and floats around. The rotation and scaling features of Pyarcade are so easy to use. The trail behing the boat is okay but I am sure it can be improved.
Everything being kept on GitHub if you wish to take a look. Sleep time!
Day 2 - Shark (Py)Week
Lots of code organisation going on and some optimisation (didn't really need 80 circles drawn for the boat trail every frame). Also got organised with a list of tasks in Google Keep.
Day 3 - Basic Black Helicopters
Day 4 - Making It Mine
Very misc tasks tonight with the most important (and dangerous) being the mines dropped by the black helicopter. Still undecided whether to allow the player to shoot. Tomorrow will be more shark work and some sort of rescue boat explosion.