Screenshot of first level

Journey To The Underworld

This is Sam's journey to the underworld.

Source code is on GitHub:

Artwork by me, using Aesprite.

This program uses the Arcade library.

I made use of the Arcade Sample Code library.


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.4
Fun: 2.4
Production: 2.7
Innovation: 2.3

7% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 12


File Uploader Date
prof_craven 2018/04/21 20:32
Screenshot of first level
prof_craven 2018/04/21 18:02

Diary Entries

Getting started

Set up a GitHub for the challenge:


First bit of work done

I'm going to try for a "top" world, and a "bottom/underworld" type of theme.

I'm borrowing heavily from

Currently I can move from the top layer to the bottom layer and back.

Layer 1: Maybe some castle or a school or something

Layer 2: Catacombs or a ventilation system or something.

Layer 3- Underground caves

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Not going to get the time I'd like to work on this, but I at least have a working game.

  1. Inventory works
  2. You can converse with characters
  3. There are two keys and a scepter
  4. A character can give you a key
  5. You can win the game

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Arcade library

Hopefully soon after this PyWeek challenge I'll have time to finish adding spatial hashing to speed sprite collision detection in the Arcade library. That, combined with sprite merging and batch rendering allows a large map to be used with very little processing time.

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Fine-tuning stage

I have an entry. I just keep trying to fine-tune it. Overall, reasonably pleased how it turned out.

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