PyWeek - Biologay - feedback

Fun 2 Prod 5 Inno 3


Up down steering was a bit slow. Not sure, maybe it was intended this way.

Production seems well done.

Did not work


Linux version of Pygame cannot load MP3 files as sounds:

Fun 3 Prod 5 Inno 3


This game felt fairly polished, so well done. I couldn't make it more than 3 rounds after a few goes.
I also had trouble running this game, and had to convert mp3s to wave files before the game would load (but I've had this issue with other pygame games too).

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 2


It's fun, but it's only to avoid the bullets, it would be better if you could shoot, it also has no check points.

I don't see the theme.

It is well made.

Fun 3 Prod 2 Inno 4


Game had no sfx or music (I'm bad at that but still did at least music) but it was fun, playable, and cool. Very cool concept. I noticed it installed open cv which made me do a double take but the light for my webcam didn't turn on.