A better solution would be to use a mesh - but that means i have to generate it.. gah.


Some 3d/2d rotating thingo... First pyweek and still learning python so should be insteresting. :)


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A better solution would be to use a mesh - but that means i have to generate it.. gah.
alia 2007/09/03 19:51
The problem with a heightmap is i cant seem to get a handle on the correct scene entity to rotate it
alia 2007/09/03 19:50
maze as boxes
alia 2007/09/03 19:48
Circular Maze generation. yo.
alia 2007/09/03 05:03

Diary Entries

day 1?

So i kinda like this python thingo - its supermegafunrad... or something. Anyway my original idea was a 3d rotating marblemadness crossed with some maze game.. or one of those old ball maze jobbies.
I prob wont have time to finish - but thats ok.. its the journey that counts.. right. right?



So pyogre i think is a little less easy to use than the c++ version - debugging being the main problem and my lack of python knowledge being the other.

So far I have a basic image of what i want - consisting of a hacked together heightmap in ogre and a seperate app with the maze generation. Im just trying to find a way now to generate a hightmap within ogre. Im going to first try to give ogre the data directly (would be nicest) and if that doesnt work ill just create a heightmap and save it to disk (and get ogre to load it for me)

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