Splash screen for our game, looking very _uncertain_ indeed


" We will hopefully be the first team to enter the competition with a Microsoft Word macro written in VisualBasic. " - jtrain

Famous words. Dad checked the pyweek competition rules and said that we couldn't use Microsoft VisualBasic to make our game.

Schrodinger's cat is lost in space (literally, how does he survive?) In space, no one can hear you miao. You are a turret. We cannot observe where the cat is without killing it. The cat has nine lives (obviously)


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.4
Fun: 2.3
Production: 2.4
Innovation: 2.6

9% respondents marked the game as not working.
0% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 19


File Uploader Date
bug fix release for binary version
jtrain 2011/04/10 13:12
fixed some file path bugs that show in windows
jtrain 2011/04/10 03:46
windows binary version
jtrain 2011/04/10 03:44
source for final distribution
jtrain 2011/04/10 02:10
Splash screen for our game, looking very _uncertain_ indeed
jtrain 2011/04/10 01:28

Diary Entries

Day one: The Nine TImes

The theme inspired many game ideas:

A logic type game similar to connect-four: connect-nine
a platformer where the main character is a cat and has nine lives

a game based around the gimmick that you can alter gravity by up to 9 times

A mystery interactive fiction type game based around a newspaper called "The Nine Times" and its headline articles

We have decided to go with an idea based on the fictional "Nine Times" a newspaper set in the 1930s that is uncovering the plot of a great (or not so great) mystery. I had a lot of love for the connect-nine idea. As far as I know it hasn't been extended beyond four, so this would be a world exclusive. Though to make the game fun, the computer opponent must have a clever artificial intelligence (AI). None of our group have any real experience with making AI. And I have heard that it is a difficult task. There were probably other things we could have implemented to spice up the computer's abilities. Like random quotes downloaded from twitter and having the computer AI say them as sledging. That could be another world exclusive for pyweek, I'm not sure. 

I guess the irony of the whole story is that interactive fiction is also notoriously difficult to make, and make fun. Lets see how far we get in a week!

Love, jtrain



Mum isn't happy

Last night Mum found out that I was making my youngest brother write about snakes (coding in Python) and he missed dance practice. Now she said that we can only have half an hour on the good computer each per night and it has to be for study. 

Game development progress is inching forward. I spent 1 hour last night trying to get pyglet to run on my computer. I found that Pyglet was checking the MacOSX version using platform.release which gives 10.5.0. Apparently it quits complaining about 64bit Python and a version of mac less than 10.6.0. And when I checked using this method I found I have 10.6.5 or something. Re-running a python interpreter i found platform.mac_ver I get the correct result. So now I monkey patch my pyglet installation:

import platform
platform.release = lambda:'10.6.5'
import pyglet

I wonder if this bug is specific to my computer, I haven't done much to it other than take it out of the box. I should note that I am running Python in a virtualenv too, I read that it can cause issues. At any rate, I'll look into this a bit further when I have time and maybe file a bug report. Is it a bug or is it my problem?  


Buggiest game I have ever played...

We thought outside the house we live in (we are all brothers) and added 9 carefully placed bugs into the source-code of our game. 9 bugs = 9 hours of bug-fix development time, though because that 9 hours is an estimate by a developer, it will actually take 18 hours. 

Looking forward to playing your games, were you as creative as us? Did you leave little bug presents lying around?

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